BOGO 50% Off Sale!
Unlock significant savings during the BOGO 50% Off Sale! Buy one item and get a 50% discount on the second item by using the code BOGO50 at checkout. This offer is available in-store and online for the items listed in the link below, even those that are already discounted. Limited time offer.
Silk Collection
Explore our exquisite Silk Collection, featuring exceptional pieces from renowned brands with a rich tradition of crafting luxurious silk products. Silken elegance abounds in our selection, crafted solely from pure silk or blended with luxurious fibers for an everlasting impact.
Chic Loungewear
Relaxing play a significant role in our daily routines. Our collection of loungewear ensures you can savor these moments in a lavish manner.
Sleepwear Collection
Our range of sleepwear includes classic and contemporary designs crafted from silk, cotton, modal, viscose, and more.
Shop Our Collections
Strapless Molded Smooth-Cup Bra
Di Moda Gift Cards!
Celebrate the holidays in style with Di Moda Gift Cards, the ultimate festive gift. Our cards can be used both in-store and online, granting consumers the flexibility to shop wherever is most convenient.
Lise Charmel, The Spirit of Haute Couture
Lise Charmel represents elegance in women lingerie, celebrated for its exceptional savoir-faire, craftsmanship, and artistic designs. As a top luxury lingerie reference, Lise Charmel enhances women's beauty with haute couture influences, defining luxury French lingerie around the world.
Tops & Camisoles
Explore our extensive collection of tops and camisoles, expertly designed using premium fabrics like cotton, wool, silk, and modal. Enhance your wardrobe with our fashion-forward and timeless selections.
Simone Perele, Paris
Simone Pérèle lingerie is loved around the world for its alluring French style, flawless fit and effortless comfort. Every piece is designed in France and made with meticulously selected fabrics from the best embroidery and lace houses in Europe.
Gaia Line by Leilieve
The Leilieve collection in Italy presents the Gaia series, featuring a diamond-embroidered tulle design. This line exudes elegance and modernity, making it suitable for both everyday wear and alluring statement pieces. With a perfect blend of practicality and allure, this line delivers exceptional comfort and quality.